Wednesday, 18 October 2017


MLMRC Blog: Learn a variety of network marketing tips and strategies that will help you to rapidly grow you mlm downline. Bookmark: Go to: PS: Learn how you can recruit 700 people in as little as 24 hours here:
MLMRC Blog: Learn a variety of network marketing tips and strategies that will help you to rapidly grow you mlm downline. Bookmark:
Go to:

PS: Learn how you can recruit 700 people in as little as 24 hours here:

Downline Builders - a subreddit for network marketers


700 people in as little as 24 hours MLMRC PS: Learn how you can recruit 700 people in as little as 24 hours here:


PS: Learn how you can recruit 700 people in as little as 24 hours here:

Downline Builders Downline Builders

Downline Builders

Join our new Direct Selling Sub Reddit for network marketers

Join our new Sub Reddit: 


PS: Learn how you can recruit 700 people in as little as 24 hours here:

Join our new Sub Reddit:

Join our new Sub Reddit: Sincerely, Nina Petrov MLMRC PS: Learn how you can recruit 700 people in as little as 24 hours here:
Join our new Sub Reddit: 


Nina Petrov


PS: Learn how you can recruit 700 people in as little as 24 hours here:

Friday, 13 October 2017

Meet networks online and tell everyone what you're involved in:

mlmrc subreddit where network marketers connect

Meet other network marketers online and tell us about what you're involved in here: 


PS: Learn how you can recruit 700 people in as little as 24 hours here:

exciting new opportunity to review

Here is an exciting new opportunity to review: Sincerely, Nina Petrov Customer Service MLMRC PS: Learn how you can recruit 700 people in as little as 24 hours here:
Here is an exciting new opportunity to review:


Nina Petrov

Customer Service

PS: Learn how you can recruit 700 people in as little as 24 hours here:

Thursday, 12 October 2017 follow me now Hello, to get new mlm news, recruiting strategies, tips, and information to grow you mlm downline, be sure to follow us on Twitter.

Hello, to get new mlm news, recruiting strategies, tips, and information to grow you mlm downline, be sure to follow us on Twitter.


Nina Petrov

Customer Service

PS: Learn how you can recruit 700 people in as little as 24 hours here:

Wednesday, 11 October 2017

NETWORK MARKETERS: Attrition - Is your worst enemy!

NETWORK MARKETERS: Attrition - Is your worst enemy! One major thing that network marketers run into is the Attrition factor. This is basically the drop out rate. Attrition is the number of people who eventually quit your downline and the company itself. Attrition can happen for many different reasons. Anything from: the network marketing company not paying enough, to the downline member finding a better opportunity, or they find a day job, or they get bored or tired of it and give up, or maybe they get hit by a bus. The attrition factor could happen for a million different reasons that a downline member who joined, then eventually quits. And it happens a whole lot. The main reason for this attrition is that the financial outlay to join an MLM is only around 200 dollars. So if someone quits then it's not a massive loss. And it's easier to justify quitting when there's only 200 dollars on the line (as a loss). Where as many other things any person wouldn't walk away from so easy. Such as a house purchase, a franchise purchase, or a university education. All of these ranging into the hundreds of thousands of dollars, keeps people from just giving up on them so easily. But when it comes to network marketing the opposite is true. Attrition is very high and very rampant. Here's a few different ways to Stop Attrition in Your Network Marketing: 1. How to STOP Attrition in Network Marketing 2. If you are in network marketing or interested in joining a network marketing company you may have heard that the failure rate is high. 3. In fact, the percentage of people who quit network marketing is between 90 to 97% percent. Ouch! 4. Why is this and how do you reduce the number of people who quit? 5. The best thing to do as a network marketing is become a brand yourself, not a person who just slaps your company’s name everywhere. 6. No one wants to join a skin cream. They want to join someone like YOU, who they know, trust and like. 7. You might think: It’s hard to gain trust and rapport on the internet and I say it takes time, but you can become trustworthy by being a constant presence online. 8. Someone who provides valuable content, not just spamming links. 9. Once you become a trustworthy presence online, people will remember you and when the time is right will ask to join you in your business. This is the essence of Attraction Marketing. 10. This is way better than chasing friends and family around and burning bridges. 11. Becoming an online presence takes time, but you can build your business ten times faster than chasing people around once you establish your brand, meaning YOU. 12. As soon as you become an Authority online, and people begin to notice you, this is the time to set realistic expectations about network marketing and direct selling. 13. This is where you can spot the desperation of amateurs all over social media, saying things like “Turn $7 into $10,000 in one week!” or “100% commissions. Make $3000 an hour doing nothing!” 14. These are blatant lies and if anything offers you 100% commissions it’s an illegal Ponzi Scheme. Legit network marketing companies exchange products for money and 100% commissions is impossible with a product. 15. So, instead of spamming blatant lies, talk about how you would like to help others get more time or money in their life, or talk about techniques you used to build your business. Give people your secrets and they will love you. 16. Once you get new distributors on your team you want to give them a simple, duplicatable quick-start or fast-track guide outlining the key steps in building a network marketing biz. 17. You will also interview the prospect before or after they upgrade and find out what their needs are. This is where you truly listen to them, like a consultant. 18. Some people won’t share the same enthusiasm as you, or they just want to try the product. 19. Not everyone is going to make you rich. Some people will quit on you as well, this is normal. Keep recruiting until you find the leaders. 20. Once you find out their needs and they want to build a business like yourself you will want to have a marketing system in place that they can use and share with their future team. 21. A marketing system is where you get your LEADS from and there are paid versions and free versions. This marketing system should be easy to implement and have a good conversion rate. 22. The more you become an authority online, the less you will have to spend on LEADS. Some leads are very expensive and will deplete the resources of your team quickly and they will quit. Find easier and more inexpensive lead sources first. 23. During the first month you want to work closely with your new distributor, but not suffocate them with a hundred ways of prospecting, recruiting and other useless details. 24. Guide them instead of push them and give the new distributor room to grow at their own pace. 25. The most important thing you can do for your new distributor is to get them paid as soon as possible. This means helping them recruit at least their first three reps. 26. The magic number to reach within six months to a year in network marketing is $300 a month, but as long as they are earning enough to pay completely for their product then that’s a great start. 27. $300 a month within 6 months to a year gives the new distributor a realistic goal. This also tells the new distributor that network marketing is not a get-rich-quick scheme. 28. Most new distributors don’t realize the power that network marketing has to leverage your income potential and make enough money to live out their dreams. 29. Ease the new distributor into these concepts by referring them to top rated ebooks on network marketing and other training material. 30. Attrition or quitting is normal in any business. Don’t take this personally. It happens to everyone in network marketing and in business in general. 31. Attrition actually works in your favor. It sifts out the people who don’t want to work for it or succeed. It’s like panning for gold. You discard a lot of mud and sand to find a few nuggets of gold. 32. Get some automated recruiting strategies in place to offset the amount of attrition that might occur. Anyway, so again if you work smart you'll likely stand a far better chance of success with your mlm business. So why not turn on some various forms of: automation that will begin working for you 24/7/365 even while your sleeping.... such our automated recruiting system here: Good luck! Free MLM Recruitment Newsletter: Sincerely, Nina Petrov MLMRC
NETWORK MARKETERS: Attrition - Is your worst enemy!

One major thing that network marketers run into is the Attrition factor. This is basically the drop out rate. Attrition is the number of people who eventually quit your downline and the company itself. Attrition can happen for many different reasons. Anything from: the network marketing company not paying enough, to the downline member finding a better opportunity, or they find a day job, or they get bored or tired of it and give up, or maybe they get hit by a bus. The attrition factor could happen for a million different reasons that a downline member who joined, then eventually quits. And it happens a whole lot.

The main reason for this attrition is that the financial outlay to join an MLM is only around 200 dollars. So if someone quits then it's not a massive loss. And it's easier to justify quitting when there's only 200 dollars on the line (as a loss). Where as many other things any person wouldn't walk away from so easy. Such as a house purchase, a franchise purchase, or a university education. All of these ranging into the hundreds of thousands of dollars, keeps people from just giving up on them so easily. But when it comes to network marketing the opposite is true. Attrition is very high and very rampant. 

Here's a few different ways to Stop Attrition in Your Network Marketing:

1. How to STOP Attrition in Network Marketing
2. If you are in network marketing or interested in joining a network marketing company you may have heard that the failure rate is high.
3. In fact, the percentage of people who quit network marketing is between 90 to 97% percent. Ouch!
4. Why is this and how do you reduce the number of people who quit?
5. The best thing to do as a network marketing is become a brand yourself, not a person who just slaps your company’s name everywhere.
6. No one wants to join a skin cream. They want to join someone like YOU, who they know, trust and like.
7. You might think: It’s hard to gain trust and rapport on the internet and I say it takes time, but you can become trustworthy by being a constant presence online.
8. Someone who provides valuable content, not just spamming links.
9. Once you become a trustworthy presence online, people will remember you and when the time is right will ask to join you in your business. This is the essence of Attraction Marketing.
10. This is way better than chasing friends and family around and burning bridges.
11. Becoming an online presence takes time, but you can build your business ten times faster than chasing people around once you establish your brand, meaning YOU.
12. As soon as you become an Authority online, and people begin to notice you, this is the time to set realistic expectations about network marketing and direct selling.
13. This is where you can spot the desperation of amateurs all over social media, saying things like “Turn $7 into $10,000 in one week!” or “100% commissions. Make $3000 an hour doing nothing!”
14. These are blatant lies and if anything offers you 100% commissions it’s an illegal Ponzi Scheme. Legit network marketing companies exchange products for money and 100% commissions is impossible with a product.
15. So, instead of spamming blatant lies, talk about how you would like to help others get more time or money in their life, or talk about techniques you used to build your business. Give people your secrets and they will love you.
16. Once you get new distributors on your team you want to give them a simple, duplicatable quick-start or fast-track guide outlining the key steps in building a network marketing biz.
17. You will also interview the prospect before or after they upgrade and find out what their needs are. This is where you truly listen to them, like a consultant.
18. Some people won’t share the same enthusiasm as you, or they just want to try the product.
19. Not everyone is going to make you rich. Some people will quit on you as well, this is normal. Keep recruiting until you find the leaders.
20. Once you find out their needs and they want to build a business like yourself you will want to have a marketing system in place that they can use and share with their future team.
21. A marketing system is where you get your LEADS from and there are paid versions and free versions. This marketing system should be easy to implement and have a good conversion rate.
22. The more you become an authority online, the less you will have to spend on LEADS. Some leads are very expensive and will deplete the resources of your team quickly and they will quit. Find easier and more inexpensive lead sources first.
23. During the first month you want to work closely with your new distributor, but not suffocate them with a hundred ways of prospecting, recruiting and other useless details.
24. Guide them instead of push them and give the new distributor room to grow at their own pace.
25. The most important thing you can do for your new distributor is to get them paid as soon as possible. This means helping them recruit at least their first three reps.
26. The magic number to reach within six months to a year in network marketing is $300 a month, but as long as they are earning enough to pay completely for their product then that’s a great start.
27. $300 a month within 6 months to a year gives the new distributor a realistic goal. This also tells the new distributor that network marketing is not a get-rich-quick scheme.
28. Most new distributors don’t realize the power that network marketing has to leverage your income potential and make enough money to live out their dreams.
29. Ease the new distributor into these concepts by referring them to top rated ebooks on network marketing and other training material.
30. Attrition or quitting is normal in any business. Don’t take this personally. It happens to everyone in network marketing and in business in general.
31. Attrition actually works in your favor. It sifts out the people who don’t want to work for it or succeed. It’s like panning for gold. You discard a lot of mud and sand to find a few nuggets of gold.
32. Get some automated recruiting strategies in place to offset the amount of attrition that might occur.

Anyway, so again if you work smart you'll likely stand a far better chance of success with your mlm business. So why not turn on some various forms of: automation that will begin working for you 24/7/365 even while your sleeping.... such our automated recruiting system here:

Good luck!

Free MLM Recruitment Newsletter:


Nina Petrov


Friday, 6 October 2017

Work Smarter, Not Harder...

I was watching popular business seminar by some motivational guru. He was talking about the number 1 factor of success as "hard work". I tend to disagree. If it was just hard work, then every garbageman, every farm laborer, every waitress would be a multi millionaire. And I know where this guru I was listening too was coming from in that he means something more like: hard work focused on building your own business. But still, it's not just hard work. It can't be. Because who's gonna win in digging a ditch: A guy with a backhoe, or a guy with a shovel? Who's gonna win in a race, the person on foot, or the guy with a car? Who's gonna catch more fish someone with a fishing rod, or someone with a net? Who's gonna chop down more trees, someone with an axe or someone with a chainsaw? The point is that you can't just work hard. You also have to use strategy, you also have to work smart, and you have to use the right tools, team, and intelligence behind your actions. As important or more important is: working smarter, gaining leverage, using the right tools, automating, your connections and people you know, how lucky you get ie: one breakthrough can elevate you to a whole new level. Then yes some hard work as well focused intelligently. I'd say it's more like "smart work". Not hard work. I know people that worked hard all their lives, and now because they're too old to work hard, and because they didn't work "smarter", they're now broke....because they're too old to work hard anymore. Ultimately, it's: income producing assets that are one of the main things that gets anyone anywhere. So things like "owning a business", owning some investments, etc etc...Not so much your work. Those who are richest quite often work the least, because they have income producing assets doing the work and providing the value. So if you're doing an MLM business that's great, you have a lot of things in your favor. But now you also need to work smart! The first thing you should do is "start recruiting". Don't sell products. Don't do that. You need to be recruiting and building your team first and foremost. Because if you can get enough people into your downline then the business will start to grow on it's own. So if you want to see one system you can use to automate your downline growth go to: Because I remember this person I use to know who was doing this one company. And this person really loved the company products that they were selling. This person would buy a lot of the products, and because he didn't know much about business he just kept trying to "sell product" instead of "trying to recruit people". So this went on and on for ten years. Well, then something bad happened. See the company went under (true story). And he lost his business, and so did everyone else doing that company. So all he ever got out of the situation was a few very small retail commissions of say 25%, here and there on a few products he sold. And trust me, he worked "so hard" for those small profits. he was working "none stop" trying to promote the business. So it's just really sad, because he did this for 10 years and in the end was left with nothing but a garage full of products that he couldn't even sell...In the end to some degree it was a complete disaster, an utter failure because this person didn't know any better. They were working hard, but not working smart. So you don't want to end up like this kind of person in your business. But now image this.... What if he focused less on selling products, and more on recruiting people? And what if he also made a database of these people along the way, with their names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses etc etc. And steadly kept in contact with them and built up relationships with them. So then 10 years goes buy, well he's probably doing "very well by this point". So lets say the same event happened. Well, he could join a different business, call up all those people, and get them to join up under him in the new business, and he'd still be in business now!!! He'd still have the same downline! He wouldn't have lost 10 years of his life spinning his wheels. So I'm telling you, please focus on recruiting, not so much on selling products. Recruiting and building a team is where the money is. And by building a database of your downline members you'll be able to also insulate yourself against any kind of a downturn with your company. You'll protect yourself that way. Anyway, so again if you work smart you'll likely stand a far better chance of success with your mlm business. So why not turn on some various forms of: automation that will begin working for you 24/7/365 even while your sleeping.... such as: Good luck! Sincerely, Nina Petrov MLMRC Automate your downline building:
I was watching popular business seminar by some motivational guru. He was talking about the number 1 factor of success as "hard work". I tend to disagree. If it was just hard work, then every garbageman, every farm laborer, every waitress would be a multi millionaire. And I know where this guru I was listening too was coming from in that he means something more like: hard work focused on building your own business. 

But still, it's not just hard work. It can't be. Because who's gonna win in digging a ditch: A guy with a backhoe, or a guy with a shovel? Who's gonna win in a race, the person on foot, or the guy with a car? Who's gonna catch more fish someone with a fishing rod, or someone with a net? Who's gonna chop down more trees, someone with an axe or someone with a chainsaw? The point is that you can't just work hard. You also have to use strategy, you also have to work smart, and you have to use the right tools, team, and intelligence behind your actions.

As important or more important is: working smarter, gaining leverage, using the right tools, automating, your connections and people you know, how lucky you get ie: one breakthrough can elevate you to a whole new level. Then yes some hard work as well focused intelligently. 

I'd say it's more like "smart work". Not hard work. I know people that worked hard all their lives, and now because they're too old to work hard, and because they didn't work "smarter", they're now broke....because they're too old to work hard anymore. 

Ultimately, it's: income producing assets that are one of the main things that gets anyone anywhere. So things like "owning a business", owning some investments, etc etc...Not so much your work. Those who are richest quite often work the least, because they have income producing assets doing the work and providing the value.

So if you're doing an MLM business that's great, you have a lot of things in your favor. But now you also need to work smart! The first thing you should do is "start recruiting". Don't sell products. Don't do that. You need to be recruiting and building your team first and foremost. Because if you can get enough people into your downline then the business will start to grow on it's own. So if you want to see one system you can use to automate your downline growth go to:

Because I remember this person I use to know who was doing this one company. And this person really loved the company products that they were selling. This person would buy a lot of the products, and because he didn't know much about business he just kept trying to "sell product" instead of "trying to recruit people". So this went on and on for ten years. Well, then something bad happened. See the company went under (true story). And he lost his business, and so did everyone else doing that company. So all he ever got out of the situation was a few very small retail commissions of say 25%, here and there on a few products he sold. And trust me, he worked "so hard" for those small profits. he was working "none stop" trying to promote the business. So it's just really sad, because he did this for 10 years and in the end was left with nothing but a garage full of products that he couldn't even sell...In the end to some degree it was a complete disaster, an utter failure because this person didn't know any better. They were working hard, but not working smart. So you don't want to end up like this kind of person in your business. 

But now image this....

What if he focused less on selling products, and more on recruiting people? And what if he also made a database of these people along the way, with their names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses etc etc. And steadly kept in contact with them and built up relationships with them. So then 10 years goes buy, well he's probably doing "very well by this point". So lets say the same event happened. Well, he could join a different business, call up all those people, and get them to join up under him in the new business, and he'd still be in business now!!! He'd still have the same downline! He wouldn't have lost 10 years of his life spinning his wheels. So I'm telling you, please focus on recruiting, not so much on selling products. Recruiting and building a team is where the money is. And by building a database of your downline members you'll be able to also insulate yourself against any kind of a downturn with your company. You'll protect yourself that way. 

Anyway, so again if you work smart you'll likely stand a far better chance of success with your mlm business. So why not turn on some various forms of: automation that will begin working for you 24/7/365 even while your sleeping.... such as:

Good luck!


Nina Petrov


Automate your downline building:

Thursday, 5 October 2017

Monday, 2 October 2017 GoodLife USA review of their network marketing travel business.
via IFTTT GoodLife USA review of their network marketing travel business.

Re: Good Life USA ,,,,

Re: Good Life USA or ...."are you really saving anything???...." ======================================================================================= Good Life USA is a fairly new MLM company that's popped up. It's made a big splash on the scene. Everyone is talking about it. And someone gave me a free $200 dollar VIP card. So I was actually kinda hoping to use it to save a bit on a trip. But my gutt was telling me that there would likely be no savings at all using the Good Life USA VIP card.. For the simple fact that it would be impossible for any company on the face of the planet to actually give away 200 dollars in "real savings". But because I was thinking about a trip in a few months I went on the site to redeem the Good Life USA VIP card. I eventually found the site where you can redeem the card. That was easy enough. To redeem the $200 dollar Good Life USA VIP card's you go to: That takes you to their travel booking site which is: So I did my own side by side comparison. I using my card on the Good Life USA travel booking site I put in a location, chose a hotel, and the date of travel. It comes up showing a hotel that they will book for you and they show that you'll get the $200 dollars off in savings because you're a VIP card holder. So in this case it was a 5 star hotel in NYC for 2 nights, which including taxes, but minus the discount came to $1655. Then I did the same exact search on Travago with no special discount. That same hotel, same nights, same room, including all taxes and fees came to just $1511. It was kinda what I thought would happen. I did another search for a resort, same thing. Only in this case it was about 30% more on that's after the 200 in savings. I was even planning on maybe giving out some of these cards until I did my research. Now I'm not so sure anymore. I had a few positive hits on the Goodlife Travel booking site as well though. Showing savings of up to 20% on some hotels. So it does appear that although some hotels you can't save. Some you can save a little. But I wanted to double check. See I didn't want to write anything without making sure that my results were solid. And so I was thinking "well maybe their shopping section is where you get the savings." After checking, I couldn't see anything unique there either. They have some groupon deals on there which anyone can get on Which really doesn't specifically show me that I'm getting savings as a result of having this Good Life USA VIP card for 200. So after at least getting a few positive hits on cheaper hotels using their card, that's I guess a bit of a value. So if you specifically wanting to stay at a specific place and you had a card, you might save a bit, in some cases. The only challenge though is that most people don't go to one specific hotel. They comparison shop for the cheapest rate, best location, most amenities. And often they're flexible on things in order to get a better room, better location, more amenities, or lower price. So when you factor in everything, you might just as easily choose a hotel right across the street in order to save money or to get a nicer room or whatever. Which often would negate much savings from Good Life USA. Again, you'd really have to do your own reseach to see if they will get you any bit of a deal. But the savings are really minimal from what I can tell. I'm not impressed at all. I thought by watching some of the videos on youtube that I'd literally be able to find a hotel that say is for $200 per night, redeem my $200 dollar VIP card which would give me a free stay. Not even close. Again, NOT NO YOUR LIFE! I personally only give Goodlife USA about a 2.5 out of 5 stars. But maybe they'll improve over time. And there was some hotels they were infact cheaper than on big names like Travago and Which shows there's there's some potential with anyway. You'd have to try Goodlife USA out for yourself to know really. That's my review of Goodlife USA's network marketing company. ====================== 700 in 24hr ============================================================================ - FREE Ebook shows you how to recruit 700 people into your downline in just 24 hours. Works with any MLM business. Go there now to get your free copy okay! ===============================================================================================================

Sunday, 1 October 2017

3 Traits You MUST have to succeed in Network Marketing

MLMRC.COM SUCCESS IN NETWORK MARKETING 3 Traits You MUST have to succeed in Network Marketing =========================================================== FREE MLM TRAINING: Powerful system reveals how to recruit 700 people in just 24 hours! Free strategy shows you how. Visit: =========================================================== Introduction What does success in your Network Marketing business mean to you? Is it making fulltime income working part-time from home? Is it spending more time with your family? Maybe… it’s becoming your own boss, controlling your own future and having complete freedom. Freedom from a job. Freedom from money worries. True freedom. Whatever your vision of success is, there have been people before you that have achieved it …and you can too! With that said, not everyone has the guts to chase their dream. The fact that you downloaded this eBook shows me that you’re on the right track and want to know just what it takes to succeed in Network Marketing. Let me show you the three traits I believe you absolutely must have, (or learn), to be successful in Network Marketing. 1. Be Coachable or Teachable 2. Be Willing to Work 3. Have Desire Looks simple, right? Good. In many ways it really is that simple, but not each of these traits might mean what you think it means. So if you’re really serious about learning what I think it takes for you to be successful in Network Marketing, go through each of these three traits and examine yourself to see where you are. After going through these if you need help learning or better understanding these traits, or if you have these traits and need someone to get you started with Network Marketing, apply for my personal coaching program here. =========================================================== FREE MLM TRAINING: Powerful system reveals how to recruit 700 people in just 24 hours! Free strategy shows you how. Visit: =========================================================== Trait #1: Be Coachable he first trait that you absolutely must have or learn is to “Be Coachable” or “Be Teachable”. What does that mean? When most people say “I’m coachable” what they really mean is, “As long as you are telling me what I like to hear and it doesn’t make me uncomfortable …I am coachable.” That doesn’t work in this industry. To some degree that won’t work in any industry I’m sure, but particularly in ours where re-inventing the wheel can cause more harm than good. What I have found from my experience in Network Marketing, is that if it rubs me the wrong way, most of the time that means that it was meant for me. If I keep doing the same things over and over, I am going to keep getting the same results in return. The definition of insanity is doing what we have always done and expecting things to change, so to get something different I have got to do something different. So the challenge is not bringing our professional background into our Network Marketing business. For example, maybe you are a doctor and you’re used to doing presentations in a certain way. You say “Well this is the way we are going to do it, we are going to bring it into our office, we are going to put a display, etc.” Well, in Network Marketing, that’s not going to work. You’re going to need to be open to being coached to doing it the Network Marketing way and leave your current methods behind. Let me drive this home with another example. If you buy a McDonald's franchise and expect to have the same success as thirty thousand plus McDonalds, you’re going to have to run that franchise “The McDonalds Way”. A sure fire way to fail, (and to have your franchise taken away), is to change the way the business is run. Maybe you say “I don’t want the cheeseburger in the yellow wrapper” or “I don’t want the fry machine on the left side and the shake machine on the right side” or “I want to change up the recipes.” =========================================================== FREE MLM TRAINING: Powerful system reveals how to recruit 700 people in just 24 hours! Free strategy shows you how. Visit: =========================================================== No… You’re not going to do that. You’re going to do it exactly the way they teach you at ‘Hamburger University’. They have a proven system. A system that has been proven thousands of times over. Network marketing companies all have systems in place for success. Systems that allows average people to make way above average income very quickly. But the key here is that you MUST be coachable and teachable. You have to leave you’re “brilliance” tucked away for the first 6 -12 months and do what the company advises. Be a sponge, learn from anyone and everyone, and you’ll find a venue for your experience and previous methods along the way. Everything that you do should be simple and duplicatible. Something that any child could do. The basics in this industry create wealth, not the fancy stuff. Basics duplicate, fancy does not. Everything that we do in the system should be able to be duplicated 5, 10 levels deep, across 20 states, from multiple countries away, etc. Being coachable is going to be a key part of your success in your Network Marketing business. Trait #2: Willing To Work econdly you have to be willing to work. When you get in this industry it is called netWORK marketing, not netPLAY marketing. The challenge with Network Marketing is what is easy to do, is also easy not to do. If you invested several hundred thousand dollars into a new franchise, you would treat it very seriously. However since the entry fee is so low to get into this industry, it is easy to quit when we find ourselves frustrated or things aren’t going our way. We lead a voluntary army which means most people will not do it. If somebody says you can get in a company, make lots of money by doing nothing, something is wrong. I promise you, you will not find a “do nothing, make money” system. You are going to have to work. I have a saying — “If it sounds easy, it’s most likely sleazy.” Nothing in life is free and the longest distance to success in Network Marketing is a shortcut. You have to step up to the counter and pay full retail for success. It’s not like a job where you exchange time for money. In Network Marketing, it’s not uncommon to find yourself working very hard at first with very little results. It gets frustrating because we start to focus on the results. You can’t worry about the results, we can’t control results, but we can control the activities that will eventually lead us to the results. Just make a decision to be consistent, persistent, and keep a good attitude. Stick and stay and eventually you will get your pay. =========================================================== FREE MLM TRAINING: Powerful system reveals how to recruit 700 people in just 24 hours! Free strategy shows you how. Visit: =========================================================== Trait #3 - Desire ast, but definitely not least, you have to have desire. When you get in your Network Marketing business, you don’t want to just say, “I am getting in the business to make money.” There has to be an emotional attachment to what that money will do for you. When you put other people in your goals and dreams, you will work so much harder for them then you will ever work for yourself. The late billionaire, Paul J. Myer, said something one time that I have never forgotten. He said, “The clearer the picture of your future, the more goal directed your actions are on a daily basis.” You have to see it in your mind before you see it in reality. Putting an emotional attachment to your money is not saying you want to make a thousand dollars a month. That’s not emotional enough. A good example of emotionally base desire is something like a young lady told me one time which was she wanted to make enough money to take her kid out of the school where he was being bullied. When you have a desire like that, you almost become unstoppable. But not everyone has a highly charged emotion like that. Maybe you want to move to a different neighborhood or move to a different school system. Maybe you want to retire a spouse or maybe it is you want more time with your children. Perhaps it’s that vacation that you have always wanted to go on but just couldn’t afford. When I first started one of my desires was to take my family to Disney World and not have to worry about when we needed to be back. I accomplished that goal and now we do it every year. It’s a great reminder that our goals can be motivating if we use them. It is why I have a huge printout of this saying on my wall in my office, =========================================================== FREE MLM TRAINING: Powerful system reveals how to recruit 700 people in just 24 hours! Free strategy shows you how. Visit: =========================================================== “I WILL UNTIL!” I remember someone once told me that success was buried right underneath frustration. Use that frustration to motivate yourself. Every time you feel like quitting, and you will because it happens to ALL of us, that frustration can help you stay strong enough, long enough to find that success you’ve been striving for. Conclusion Give yourself enough time to succeed! The Network Marketing industry can be challenging at times but it will be well worth the struggle. Just remember to be coachable, willing to work, and have that burning desire driving you. When you reach your goals and are living life on your terms, you will find it all well worth the effort! I’d love to help you on your journey and want to let you know that I may personally be willing to mentor you in these efforts. =========================================================== FREE MLM TRAINING: Powerful system reveals how to recruit 700 people in just 24 hours! Free strategy shows you how. Visit: =========================================================== 100% Automated Recruiting System:
3 Traits You MUST have to succeed in Network Marketing
FREE MLM TRAINING: Powerful system reveals how to recruit 700 people in just 
24 hours! Free strategy shows you how. Visit:

What does success in your Network Marketing business mean to you? Is it making fulltime
income working part-time from home? Is it spending more time with your family?
Maybe… it’s becoming your own boss, controlling your own future and having complete
freedom. Freedom from a job. Freedom from money worries. True freedom. Whatever
your vision of success is, there have been people before you that have achieved it
…and you can too!

With that said, not everyone has the guts to chase their dream. The fact that you
downloaded this eBook shows me that you’re on the right track and want to know just
what it takes to succeed in Network Marketing. Let me show you the three traits I
believe you absolutely must have, (or learn), to be successful in Network Marketing.

1. Be Coachable or Teachable
2. Be Willing to Work
3. Have Desire

Looks simple, right? Good. In many ways it really is that simple, but not each of these
traits might mean what you think it means.
So if you’re really serious about learning what I think it takes for you to be successful in
Network Marketing, go through each of these three traits and examine yourself to see
where you are. After going through these if you need help learning or better
understanding these traits, or if you have these traits and need someone to get you
started with Network Marketing, apply for my personal coaching program here. 

FREE MLM TRAINING: Powerful system reveals how to recruit 700 people in just 
24 hours! Free strategy shows you how. Visit:

Trait #1: Be Coachable

he first trait that you absolutely must have or learn is to “Be Coachable” or “Be
Teachable”. What does that mean?
When most people say “I’m coachable” what they really mean is, “As long as you are
telling me what I like to hear and it doesn’t make me uncomfortable …I am coachable.”
That doesn’t work in this industry. To some degree that won’t work in any industry I’m
sure, but particularly in ours where re-inventing the wheel can cause more harm than

What I have found from my experience in Network Marketing, is that if it rubs me the
wrong way, most of the time that means that it was meant for me. If I keep doing the
same things over and over, I am going to keep getting the same results in return.
The definition of insanity is doing what we have always done and expecting things to
change, so to get something different I have got to do something different.
So the challenge is not bringing our professional
background into our Network Marketing business. For
example, maybe you are a doctor and you’re used to
doing presentations in a certain way. You say “Well
this is the way we are going to do it, we are going to
bring it into our office, we are going to put a display,
etc.” Well, in Network Marketing, that’s not going to
work. You’re going to need to be open to being
coached to doing it the Network Marketing way and
leave your current methods behind.

Let me drive this home with another example. If you buy a McDonald's franchise and
expect to have the same success as thirty thousand plus McDonalds, you’re going to
have to run that franchise “The McDonalds Way”. A sure fire way to fail, (and to have
your franchise taken away), is to change the way the business is run. Maybe you say “I
don’t want the cheeseburger in the yellow wrapper” or “I don’t want the fry machine on
the left side and the shake machine on the right side” or “I want to change up the

FREE MLM TRAINING: Powerful system reveals how to recruit 700 people in just 
24 hours! Free strategy shows you how. Visit:

No… You’re not going to do that. You’re going to do it exactly the way they teach you at
‘Hamburger University’. They have a proven system. A system that has been proven
thousands of times over.

Network marketing companies all have systems in place for success. Systems that
allows average people to make way above average income very quickly.
But the key here is that you MUST be coachable and teachable. You have to leave
you’re “brilliance” tucked away for the first 6 -12 months and do what the company
advises. Be a sponge, learn from anyone and everyone, and you’ll find a venue for your
experience and previous methods along the way.

Everything that you do should be simple and duplicatible. Something that any child
could do. The basics in this industry create wealth, not the fancy stuff. Basics duplicate,
fancy does not.

Everything that we do in the system should be able to be duplicated 5, 10 levels deep,
across 20 states, from multiple countries away, etc. Being coachable is going to be a
key part of your success in your Network Marketing business. 

Trait #2: Willing To Work

econdly you have to be willing to work. When you get in this industry it is called
netWORK marketing, not netPLAY marketing. The challenge with Network
Marketing is what is easy to do, is also easy not to do. If you invested several
hundred thousand dollars into a new franchise, you would treat it very seriously.
However since the entry fee is so low to get into this industry, it is easy to quit when we
find ourselves frustrated or things aren’t going our way.
We lead a voluntary army which means most people will not do it. If somebody says you
can get in a company, make lots of money by doing nothing, something is wrong. I
promise you, you will not find a “do nothing, make money” system. You are going to
have to work.

I have a saying — “If it sounds easy, it’s most likely sleazy.”
Nothing in life is free and the longest distance to success in Network Marketing is a
shortcut. You have to step up to the counter and pay
full retail for success. It’s not like a job where you
exchange time for money. In Network Marketing, it’s
not uncommon to find yourself working very hard at
first with very little results. It gets frustrating because
we start to focus on the results. You can’t worry about
the results, we can’t control results, but we can control
the activities that will eventually lead us to the results.
Just make a decision to be consistent, persistent, and
keep a good attitude. Stick and stay and eventually
you will get your pay.

FREE MLM TRAINING: Powerful system reveals how to recruit 700 people in just 
24 hours! Free strategy shows you how. Visit:

Trait #3 - Desire

ast, but definitely not least, you have to have desire. When you get in your
Network Marketing business, you don’t want to just say, “I am getting in the
business to make money.” There has to be an emotional attachment to what that
money will do for you. When you put other people in your goals and dreams, you will
work so much harder for them then you will ever work for yourself.
The late billionaire, Paul J. Myer, said something one time that I have never forgotten.
He said, “The clearer the picture of your future, the more goal directed your
actions are on a daily basis.”

You have to see it in your mind before you see it in reality. Putting an emotional
attachment to your money is not saying you want to make a thousand dollars a month.
That’s not emotional enough.

A good example of emotionally base desire is something like a young lady told me one
time which was she wanted to make enough money to take her kid out of the school
where he was being bullied.

When you have a desire like that, you almost become unstoppable.
But not everyone has a highly charged emotion like
that. Maybe you want to move to a different
neighborhood or move to a different school system.
Maybe you want to retire a spouse or maybe it is you
want more time with your children. Perhaps it’s that
vacation that you have always wanted to go on but
just couldn’t afford.

When I first started one of my desires was to take
my family to Disney World and not have to worry
about when we needed to be back. I accomplished
that goal and now we do it every year.
It’s a great reminder that our goals can be motivating if we use them. It is why I have a
huge printout of this saying on my wall in my office,

FREE MLM TRAINING: Powerful system reveals how to recruit 700 people in just 
24 hours! Free strategy shows you how. Visit:


I remember someone once told me that success was buried right underneath
frustration. Use that frustration to motivate yourself. Every time you feel like quitting, and
you will because it happens to ALL of us, that frustration can help you stay strong
enough, long enough to find that success you’ve been striving for.


Give yourself enough time to succeed! The Network Marketing industry can be
challenging at times but it will be well worth the struggle. Just remember to be
coachable, willing to work, and have that burning
desire driving you. When you reach your goals
and are living life on your terms, you will find it all
well worth the effort! I’d love to help you on your
journey and want to let you know that I may
personally be willing to mentor you in these efforts. 
FREE MLM TRAINING: Powerful system reveals how to recruit 700 people in just 
24 hours! Free strategy shows you how. Visit:

100% Automated Recruiting System: 

network marketing - overcoming sales Objections, Rebuttals


Phone Cold Call Conversation Breakdown - mlm


MLM warm market Face to Face Conversation Breakdown


Selling Presentation in network marketing


MLM Face to Face Cold Call Scripts Role Play


Creating a network marketing Sales Funnel


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Customizing Your MLM cold calling Script


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