Thursday, 23 November 2017

How to select a good Network Marketing company?

#mlm #MLMRC #networkmarketing How to select a good Network Marketing company? (My reply to someone asking in an mlm forum) You raise a lot of good points and you're Article I think is quite accurate. I think anyone considering Amway or any other network marketing company really should do at least a few weeks duediligence. Consider all things very carefully. Like how much time, money, and energy it's going to take to succeed? Crunch some numbers. How many distributors will you need to build a downline? Can you afford a downline building service like: ? Or are you able to build your downline on your own? Because that's the main component that you'll have to become an expert in if you're going to succeed in network marketing. But there's one critical thing that you need to understand when it comes to the "really big" network marketing companies. On the one hand they're well established, so they're less likely go file for bankruptcy leaving you high and dry. But on the other hand there's a few downsides which is, everyone has already heard of them, so people already know about them? It's like saying to someone have you heard of coka-cola it's this amazing company with this amazing product! People won't get all that excited because they already know what it is. But there's one other issue. That when these GIANT mlm companies where formed, most of them had much more lucrative compensation plans. But then what most of them did is once they got enough members and had gone global, they then changed their compensation plans, making them far less generous for any new members. That's why most new companies tend to out pace the big companies on compensation, generally speaking. So you really have to crunch the numbers. Like how many distrubutors do you need to recruit. And what exactly is your exact strategy for getting them to join you downline? Or you plan to use a downline building service to help you to build such as: . If you map all that out and you have a clear idea of what you're going to do. And you have it all planned out for the next few years and you can afford it all. Then sure, maybe try it. But if it's not clear to you, then you need to do more research, planning, and explore all your options. Think of whatever business your going to join as the only one you'll ever get, like getting married or something. Don't take it lightly on deciding which to join. You don't fly overseas in 2 seater prop plane for good reason. You only go on a 787 Jumbo Jet, to ensure you'll get there and get their in comfort. So make sure you're getting into the right vehicle that can get you to where you're planning to go. Good luck. I'll mention one other thing about products as well. Consumables are one of the better options. And the tends and stats all point to the top industries to join in MLM being things like: Health and Nutrition, Skin Care Products, Weightloss Products, and other consumables. But there is one other factor that you should consider. That is your buying these products every month generally speaking. More often than not they don't get used or sold. (at least not enough). And that becomes a BIG PROBLEM! Too many network marketers end up with a garage full of products that they have a hard time selling, or even consuming. Then the products only have X number of month self life, so when they expire, then they're effectively USELESS! They should be thrown out at that point. So the longer you keep them, the less valuable they're becoming. (keep that in mind)! Because if you end up using them or selling them after the expirey date, it could make you sick and to sell them would be illegal in most places. So the one alternative to consider when investigating companies is finding companies that are new and innovative and that offer some kind of product that is actually going to "grow in value" over time. For example some products you might want to try and find that either could grow in value, not spoil, and or at least retain value would be things like: Wines, Gold, Gems, Jewelry, Investments, Realestate (that you actually own), maybe stocks in a company, Crypto Currency, and items like that. This again is just one school of thought. For example choosing a company that offers products like this is basically a hedge against the risk of the company going bankrupt, you going bankrupt, you quiting the business, or some other unforseen issue that could derail your mlm dreams. Really think hard about this. Because if lets say in a year or two, if it doesn't work out. Wouldn't it be nice to at least walk away with "something to show for it???. Please THINK HERE. Because lets say you found some company in which you were buying, something like physical gold, diamonds, wine, gems, cryptocurrency or something of actual tangible value that you could actually get your money out of easily, and that didn't have an expiration date on the label. Then at least that way the hundreds or thousands of dollars you might have invested over time would be money that you actually "banked"! Like lets say with Wine for example. I know nothing about wine really, but my understanding is that most of it goes up in value over time. Or gold, well it might not go up tons, but at least it "retains it's value". So something was to happen and you had to walk away or they company went bankrupt or something, at least you'd have something solid to show for it. Again, this is just "one school of thought". It's not the defining factor. But it's a hedge against something occurring so at least you wouldn't walk away empty handed. It's one idea to consider when trying to select a network marketing company. In conclusion, treat your selection of your network marketing company the same way you'd choose someone you'd want to marry and be with for life. Imagine if you were told that within the rest of your life you could only choose 3 businesses to ever join, and so this choice would be one of the 3. You'd take much more time, and make it count. So approach what you're getting into with that kind of thinking. You want to do your due diligence to ensure that this company that you're joining will actually work out for you in the long run and that you'll actually be able to retire off of okay. Good luck. Sincerely, Nina MLMRC Automated Downline Building Service

#mlm #MLMRC #networkmarketing How to select a good Network Marketing company?
(My reply to someone asking in an mlm forum)
You raise a lot of good points and you're Article I think is quite accurate. I think anyone considering Amway or any other network marketing company really should do at least a few weeks duediligence. Consider all things very carefully. Like how much time, money, and energy it's going to take to succeed? Crunch some numbers. How many distributors will you need to build a downline? Can you afford a downline building service like: ? Or are you able to build your downline on your own? Because that's the main component that you'll have to become an expert in if you're going to succeed in network marketing. But there's one critical thing that you need to understand when it comes to the "really big" network marketing companies. On the one hand they're well established, so they're less likely go file for bankruptcy leaving you high and dry. But on the other hand there's a few downsides which is, everyone has already heard of them, so people already know about them? It's like saying to someone have you heard of coka-cola it's this amazing company with this amazing product! People won't get all that excited because they already know what it is. But there's one other issue. That when these GIANT mlm companies where formed, most of them had much more lucrative compensation plans. But then what most of them did is once they got enough members and had gone global, they then changed their compensation plans, making them far less generous for any new members. That's why most new companies tend to out pace the big companies on compensation, generally speaking. So you really have to crunch the numbers. Like how many distrubutors do you need to recruit. And what exactly is your exact strategy for getting them to join you downline? Or you plan to use a downline building service to help you to build such as: . If you map all that out and you have a clear idea of what you're going to do. And you have it all planned out for the next few years and you can afford it all. Then sure, maybe try it. But if it's not clear to you, then you need to do more research, planning, and explore all your options. Think of whatever business your going to join as the only one you'll ever get, like getting married or something. Don't take it lightly on deciding which to join. You don't fly overseas in 2 seater prop plane for good reason. You only go on a 787 Jumbo Jet, to ensure you'll get there and get their in comfort. So make sure you're getting into the right vehicle that can get you to where you're planning to go. Good luck.

I'll mention one other thing about products as well. Consumables are one of the better options. And the tends and stats all point to the top industries to join in MLM being things like: Health and Nutrition, Skin Care Products, Weightloss Products, and other consumables. But there is one other factor that you should consider. That is your buying these products every month generally speaking. More often than not they don't get used or sold. (at least not enough). And that becomes a BIG PROBLEM! Too many network marketers end up with a garage full of products that they have a hard time selling, or even consuming. Then the products only have X number of month self life, so when they expire, then they're effectively USELESS! They should be thrown out at that point. So the longer you keep them, the less valuable they're becoming. (keep that in mind)! Because if you end up using them or selling them after the expirey date, it could make you sick and to sell them would be illegal in most places.

So the one alternative to consider when investigating companies is finding companies that are new and innovative and that offer some kind of product that is actually going to "grow in value" over time. For example some products you might want to try and find that either could grow in value, not spoil, and or at least retain value would be things like: Wines, Gold, Gems, Jewelry, Investments, Realestate (that you actually own), maybe stocks in a company, Crypto Currency, and items like that. This again is just one school of thought. For example choosing a company that offers products like this is basically a hedge against the risk of the company going bankrupt, you going bankrupt, you quiting the business, or some other unforseen issue that could derail your mlm dreams. Really think hard about this. Because if lets say in a year or two, if it doesn't work out. Wouldn't it be nice to at least walk away with "something to show for it???. Please THINK HERE. Because lets say you found some company in which you were buying, something like physical gold, diamonds, wine, gems, cryptocurrency or something of actual tangible value that you could actually get your money out of easily, and that didn't have an expiration date on the label. Then at least that way the hundreds or thousands of dollars you might have invested over time would be money that you actually "banked"! Like lets say with Wine for example. I know nothing about wine really, but my understanding is that most of it goes up in value over time. Or gold, well it might not go up tons, but at least it "retains it's value". So something was to happen and you had to walk away or they company went bankrupt or something, at least you'd have something solid to show for it. Again, this is just "one school of thought". It's not the defining factor. But it's a hedge against something occurring so at least you wouldn't walk away empty handed. It's one idea to consider when trying to select a network marketing company. 

In conclusion, treat your selection of your network marketing company the same way you'd choose someone you'd want to marry and be with for life. Imagine if you were told that within the rest of your life you could only choose 3 businesses to ever join, and so this choice would be one of the 3. You'd take much more time, and make it count. So approach what you're getting into with that kind of thinking. You want to do your due diligence to ensure that this company that you're joining will actually work out for you in the long run and that you'll actually be able to retire off of okay. Good luck.



Automated Downline Building Service

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