Monday, 25 June 2018

The Internet Marketer Song

The Internet Marketer Song

What is a pyramid scheme - and how to spot a pyramid


LuLaRoe network marketing mlm viral video


What is a pyramid scheme

What is a pyramid scheme - and how to spot a pyramid so that you don't fall victim to some kind of a pyramid selling opportunity. This is a bit of a parody video, but in all seriousness. Listen carefully. This is the bottom line. If you join any home based business, do some research to ensure that what you're joining has a long extensive background. It's a catch 22, in that if they have a long background then they're no longer a ground floor opportunity. That is true, but still, I'd highly recommend you only join MLM companies that are over 10 years old. No acceptations. If they're not aged, then they risk going out of business regardless of if they're a network marketing business or a pyramid scheme. Because it's not it being a pyramid scheme that's the risk. The risk is that 95% of businesses fail within 5 years. Especially in the MLM industry. So keep that in mind. However, again it's a catch 22 in a way in that a new MLM has more opportunity potential because it's not yet saturating the marketplace. By it not yet being popular then, you stand a stronger chance to be able to share the legitimate network marketing opportunity with friends and family. Anyway, that's all I have to say about pyramid selling. And also I should say, there's nothing wrong with MLM or network marketing as long as you've don't your due diligence to help ensure that it's not some kind of a pyramid scheme. Rest assured network marketing is a realistic path for a lot of people trying to start a home based business.

how to add people fast to your LuLaroe downline

How to grow your Jamberry downline fast


Sunday, 24 June 2018

55 Ways to Grow Your Jamberry downline

#mlm #networkmarketing #jamberry 

55 Ways to Grow Your Jamberry downline

how to grow your Jamberry downline fast and easy go to:

how to grow your Jamberry downline fast and easy

#mlm #networkmarketing #jamberry 

55 Ways to Grow Your Jamberry downline

how to grow your Jamberry downline fast and easy go to:

Herbalife Representative Login - how to login


Avon representative login - How to log into your Avon account


Herbalife Representative Login - how to login

Herbalife Representative Login - how to login

Avon representative login - How to log into your Avon account

Avon representative login - How to log into your Avon account

Friday, 22 June 2018

Juice Plus Virtual Franchise - so many different people making money


Online health coach, Looking to mentor a handful of eager people who are looking for the opportunity to make a difference in the world through health

#MLM #networkmarketing Online health coach, Looking to mentor a handful of eager people who are looking for the opportunity to make a difference in the world through health. Go to:
#MLM #networkmarketing Online health coach, Looking to mentor a handful of eager people who are looking for the opportunity to make a difference in the world through health. Go to:

Thursday, 21 June 2018

MLM recruiting blueprint mindmap - learn downline duplication strategy

MLM recruiting blueprint mindmap - learn downline duplication strategy 

MLM recruiting blueprint mindmap - how to sponsor into your downline.  Learn downline duplication strategy. Here's the exact mlm recruiting blueprint you need to grow your network marketing downline fast. Also be sure to visit MLMRC to learn more about this powerful recruiting blueprint and mindmap.

Jim Rohn - Building Your Network Marketing Business

Jim Rohn - Building Your Network Marketing Business. Audio book by Jim Rohn. Learn how to build your network marketing business from world renown author and speaker Mr Jim Rohn. Also if you're looking for a easy way to grow your mlm downline visit:

MLM Recruiting - How To Outsource Your Downline Building


outsource your downline building

Right now you've joined an MLM business but need to learn how to
Outsource Your Downline Building.

Say you joined: Amway, Herbalife, New Skin, Avon or any other network marketing company, and need to learn how to Outsource Your Downline Building.

Well now you can use a recruiting service and
Outsource Your Downline Building.

Using the MLMRC recruiting service, is a fast ,easy, and effective way to
Outsource Your Downline Building.

Our powerful recruiting service removes the problems and worries out of building your downline; so try Outsource Your Downline Building now.

So if you're looking for an easy way to build your downline fast, then Outsource Your Downline Building today.

go to MLMRC dot com to learn more about our recruiting service. Let us quickly build your MLM downline today. Now like, share and subscribe. Thank you.

outsource your downline building

Network marketing tips to improve your mlm business

Right now you've joined an MLM business but need some network marketing tips.

Lets say you joined: Amway, Herbalife, New Skin, Avon or any other network marketing company, but need a few good network marketing tips.

The best network marketing tip is now you can use a recruiting service to build your downline fast.

network marketing tip # 1: Using the MLMRC recruiting service, is a fast ,easy, and effective way to build your downline.

Our powerful recruiting service removes the headache and stress out of building your downline; a great
network marketing tips.

So if you're looking for a network marketing tip, then let our MLM recruiting service start 
 building for you.

Visit MLMRC dot com to learn more about our recruiting service. Let us quickly build your MLM downline today. Now like, share and subscribe. Thank you.

Network marketing tips to improve your mlm business


Wednesday, 20 June 2018

How to get more Twitter followers fast and easy


How to get more twitter followers!!!!... FOLLOW ME NOW @mlmrc_com

SUMMARY: Here you will learn how to add a lot more followers to your Twitter Account...ok
FOLLOW ME NOW @mlmrc_com

1) Complete your twitter account so you have a nice background, images, description. Link to your website etc etc...People with uncomplete or ugly looking accounts don't get followed as often.
2) next do a lot of tweets that use nice pictures and quotes like this....those get retweeted a lot.
3) do a lot of following of accounts you like....and their followers....follow all the influencers "followers" that have completed profiles.
4) Do a lot of liking...
5) Do some "moments" so that it just adds that to your profile...
6) Join a bunch of twitter "lists" so that it adds that to your profile...
7) Aim for at least getting up to 1000 followers as that way it makes your account look better and more popular.
8) Although some people buy followers we haven't bothered. It's not worth the risk and it's going to make your account look fake. So for example I can tell if an account is fake just by looking at their followers for one. Or using twitter audit. So for example you can tell ours are all real as all our twitter followers are real accounts....Also on twitter audit....
9) go there and follow me now. 
10) use which is free and you can use it to schedule your tweets in advance. Have them run on autopilot for months at a time allowing it to do tweets for you.
11) use hash tags that relate to what you're doing in your tweets: #WorkFromHome #HomeBusiness #PassiveIncome #businessopportunity #financialfreedom #residualincome #ownbusiness #homebiz #makemoney #extramoney #timefreedom #entrepreneurs #homebasedbusiness #networkmarketing #womeninbusiness #MLM #bosslady #mlmrc
12) comment on tweets
13) add your twitter account to your email sig file.... FOLLOW ME @mlmrc_com
Say this is your email account....So you add that to your sig file in your email settings so that it's any email you sent it's asking people to join you.
14) build friendships with other popular account owners and influencers in your sector.
15) Retweet your stuff but also even better just completely repost it. If it says "it's already been sent" then just add 1 character to the tweet or change 1 word and it will resend. I sometimes just add a "dot" (.) to the tweet and that will bipass that error message.
16) Review other videos on youtube on how to build your twitter following.
17) follow me so I can retweet and like your tweets, which I will do often for you. @mlmrc_com

Thanks for watching how to GET MORE TWITTER FOLLOWERS!!!! FOLLOW ME NOW @mlmrc_com

Dear Friend,

Join my twitter following and I will frequently retweet and like your tweets okay! TWITTER FOLLOW ME @mlmrc_com

Customer Service

TWITTER FOLLOW ME: @mlmrc_com - Automated Recruiting System - Lead Generation System - Elite MLM Training - Free Recruiting Scripts - Free Memory Joggger - FREE Links Exchange - FREE Affiliate Program

Tuesday, 19 June 2018

FOLLOW ME: MLMRC Twitter Account: @mlmrc_com

Follow us by clicking here:  Follow    @mlmrc_com 

MLMRC Twitter Account: @mlmrc_com

We have almost over 2600 Twitter followers and growing fast!

Follow us on Twitter, and we'll retweet your posts often, and like your posts often okay.

VERIFIED: Our account is 100% real network marketers, MLMer's, Influencers, home based business opportunity seekers, and other twitter users, maybe like you! Your perfect target audiance.

other MLMRC social media accounts:

Monday, 18 June 2018

how to build my downline using facebook

OK you've joined an MLM business but need to learn how to build my downline using facebook.

Maybe you joined: Amway, Herbalife, New Skin, Avon or any other network marketing company, in which you need to learn how to build my downline using facebook.

Well now you can use a recruiting service to how to build my downline using facebook.

Using the MLMRC recruiting service, is a fast, easy, and effective way to
build your downline using facebook.

Our powerful recruiting service removes the headache and stress out of building your downline;
how to build my downline using facebook and other sources.

So if you're looking for an easy way to build your downline using facebook, fast, then go to: MLMRC, now.

Visit MLMRC dot com to learn more about our recruiting service. Let us quickly build your MLM downline today. Now like, share and subscribe. Thank you.

Saturday, 16 June 2018

First class mlm tools program by Tim Sales Review

First class mlm tools program by Tim Sales Review

This is a full review of the First class mlm tools program by Tim Sales. This program First class mlm tools was developed by Tim Sales. It's desigend to help educate and train network marketers, in sales and leadership skills. In reviewing First class mlm tools its a system that can help network marketers to learn more and improve their sales skills in becoming more effective network marketers. In my overview of Tim Sales and his First class mlm tools program I'd give it a 3.5 out of 5 star rating. 

Tim Sales provides the: "Brilliant Compensation DVD" as part of his First class mlm tools program, which is suppose to help network marketers in growing their MLM downlines. The First class mlm tools website is very modern and attractive looking, which shows that Tim Sales really cares about his clients and cares about his MLM tools program. The Brilliant compensation DVD is another one of Tim Sales, network marketing tools that anyone can use in helping to grow their MLM downlines. They also recently put out the Brilliant Prospector recruiting system, but unfortunately it's not an automated program. You still are required to do the work youself. See the rest of the review here:

Using MLM opportunity ads to grow your network marketing business


Are you placing mlm opportunity Ads to grow your MLM business?

Are you placing mlm opportunity Ads to grow your MLM business? If you're doing network marketing, then your number one goal is to start to build a downline. So placing opportunity adds on websites that accept MLM adds is one option you have.

But lets face it, to have to be placing MLM opportunity adds, week after week, month after month, hoping that someone actually might see and respond to a tiny opportunity add, is really not the best way to build your MLM Downline. Look, there's a better way. At last you can skip the MLM opportunity adds and instead, use a downline building service to build your MLM downline. Using an automated downline building service like MLMRC, is a fast, easy, and effective way to building your downline. A downline building service, like, removes the headache and stress out of building your downline. No more will you need MLM opportunity ads, or home business opportunity ads okay.

MLM classified ads - to recruit downline members


MLM Classified Ads to grow your MLM business

Are you looking for MLM Classified Ads to grow your MLM business? If you're doing network marketing, then your number one goal is to start to build a downline. So placing classified adds on websites that accept MLM adds is one option you have.

But lets face it, to have to be placing MLM classified ads, week after week, month after month, hoping that someone actually might see and respond to a tiny ad is really not the fastest way to grow you MLM Downline. Listen, there's a better way. At last you can skip the MLM classified ads and instead, use a downline building service to build your MLM downline. Using an automated downline building service like MLMRC, is a fast, easy, and effective way to building your downline. A downline building service, like MLMRC, removes the headache and stress out of building your downline. So skip the MLM classifieds and skip the business opportunity classifieds, and just go to now. Subscribe now.

Build your downline - using our automated service:

#MLM #networkmarketing Build your downline - using our automated service:
#MLM #networkmarketing Build your downline - using our automated service:

Build your downline - using our automated system

#MLM #networkmarketing Build your downline - using our automated system
#MLM #networkmarketing Build your downline - using our automated system

Build your downline - using our automated system

Build your downline using our automated system. At last a simple powerful and effective way to build your downline hands free. If you're doing a network marketing business or MLM and need to build your downline then let our proven system go to work for you. We can build your downline fast easy and acheive the success you want. 

At this site MLMRC you'll learn how our powerful system can build your network marketing downline quickly and easily. Once you activate our system, you can then just sit back, relax and watch as we build your downline for you. This is your chance to speed up the growth of your downline and build it fast. At last, no more stress, and headaches, in recruiting and getting people to join your downline. Our system will build your downline for you. Visit MLMRC today to learn more. And please like, share and subscribe. Thank you.

Build your downline - using our automated system


Friday, 15 June 2018

I'm going to let you in on a powerful MLM downline building method

I'm going to let you in on a powerful downline building method. Are you working on a network marketing business, and trying to to build a downline? Then here's a new downline building method you can use to grow your MLM downline. This is a really simple yet powerful downline building method that anyone can use to build their downline quickly. So if you're doing a network marketing business then you'll want to beging using a downline building service such as MLMRC. There downline building method works to automate your recruiting. Saving you a lot of stress, headaches and wasted time. To see their downline building method visit MLMRC now. If you like it then be sure to share this downline building method with others you know in your business. At last a simple, powerful and easy way to grow your MLM downline fast. Thank you.

mlm classified ads sites

mlm classified ads sites:

Thursday, 14 June 2018

How to recruit using Facebook


how to recruit prospects using facebook

#MLM #networkmarketing #MLMtips how to recruit prospects using facebook
#MLM #networkmarketing #MLMtips how to recruit prospects using facebook

#MLM #networkmarketing

How to present your network marketing opportunity

#MLM #networkmarketing #MLMtips How to present your network marketing opportunity
#MLM #networkmarketing #MLMtips How to present your network marketing opportunity

how to recruit using facebook

#MLM #networkmarketing #MLMtips how to recruit using facebook
#MLM #networkmarketing #MLMtips how to recruit using facebook

how to recruit using Facebook

Maybe you've joined an MLM business but need to learn how to recruit using Facebook. So you joined: Arbonne, ACN, Herbalife, MCA, New Skin, Avon or any other network marketing company, in which you need to learn how to recruit using facebook.

Did you know, now you can use a recruiting service to recruit using facebook. Using the MLMRC recruiting service, is a fast ,easy, and effective way to recruit using facebook.

Our powerful recruiting service removes the headache and stress out of building your downline; recruiting using facebook and other sources.

So if you're looking for an easy way to grow your downline fast, then let our MLM recruiting service start recruiting using facebook for you.

Visit MLMRC to learn more about our recruiting service. Let us quickly build your MLM downline today. Now like, share and subscribe. Thank you.

Wednesday, 13 June 2018

NEW RECRUITING METHOD: how to recruit prospects using facebook

NEW MLM RECRUITING METHOD: how to recruit prospects using facebook

Okay right now you've joined an MLM business but need to learn exactly how to recruit prospects using Facebook; and other social media sites. Maybe you joined: Amway, Herbalife, New Skin, Avon or any other network marketing company, in which you need to learn
how to recruit prospects using facebook.

Well now you can use a recruiting service to recruit prospects using Facebook. Using the MLMRC recruiting service, is a fast ,easy, and effective way to recruit prospects using facebook.

Our powerful recruiting service removes the headache and stress out of building your downline; recruiting prospects directly using facebook and other sources.

So if you're looking for an easy way to build your downline fast, then let our mlm recruiting service start recruiting prospects directly using facebook for you.

Visit MLMRC to learn more about our recruiting service. Let us quickly build your MLM downline today. Now like, share and subscribe. Thank you.

IMPORTANT: how to present your network marketing opportunity..To make sales!

OK you've joined an MLM business but need to learn: how to present your network marketing opportunity. So you've joined some company like: Amway, Herbalife, New Skin, Avon or any other mlm company in which you need to learn how to present your network marketing opportunity to build a downline. 

Well now you can use MLMRC recruiting service to present your network marketing opportunity for you. Using a specialized MLM recruiting service, is a fast ,easy, and effective way to present your network marketing opportunity to tons of prospects.

Our recruiting service removes the headache and stress out of building your downline. If you're looking for an easy way to build your downline fast, then let our  recruiting service start presenting your network marketing opportunity for you. Visit MLMRC to learn more about our recruiting service. Discover how it's already helped hundreds of network marketers just like you. Please subscribe now.

how to present your network marketing business to others

So you've joined an MLM business but need to learn how to present your network marketing business. 

Maybe you joined: Amway, Herbalife, New Skin, Avon or any other m l m company in which you need to learn how to present your network marketing business. 
Well now you can use an mlm recruiting service to present your network marketing business for you.

Using a specialized mlm recruiting service, is a fast ,easy, and effective way to present your network marketing business to prospects.

These types of recruiting services remove the headache and stress out of building your downline. So if you're looking for an easy way to build your downline fast, then let our mlm recruiting service start present your network marketing business for you. Visit to learn more about our powerful mlm recruting service. Discovery how it's already helped hundreds of network marketers just like you to quickly build their downlines. Also like, share and subscribe. Thank you.

mlm tips - to building your mlm business

MLM TIPS: 7 powerful MLM tips that will grow your MLM business fast and easy!

Be sure to visit us to see how these mlm tips can grow your downline quickly and easily.

most important multilevel marketing and MLM tips

Here are 7 powerful mlm tips to grow your mlm business. These MLM tips can help you to build your mlm business faster and easier. MLM Tip number 1: Learn from your mlm upline, who has already had success in network marketing. If they're successful already then they can give you a lot of excellent MLM tips, strategies and mlm training to growing your network marketing business.

MLM tip number 2: Focus your time on recruiting new prospects into your downline.

MLM tip number 3. Use an automated  downline builder, like: MLMRC, to grow your downline even faster. 

MLM tip number 4: Get organized. Set a daily time to work on your m l m business, and stick to that routine.

MLM tip number 5: learn how to find and build, a list of warm prospect leads. We show you a strategy at: MLMRC to finding unlimited fresh warm leads via the web, totally free! So you'll never run out of mlm prospect leads.

MLM tip number 6: Start listening to books daily on success motivation, business, sales and mlm tips and success.

For our last most important multilevel marketing and MLM tips, visit MLMRC. Please like, share and subscribe. Thank you.

MLM tips - to grow your mlm business


Monday, 11 June 2018

How to Build a Downline

Here is how to build a downline and grow it huge in your mlm business.
In this video we cover the topic of how to build a downline in any mlm company or program. The question after someone joins an mlm business is, how do you build a large downline from that point on? 

After watching this powerful video on "How to Build a Downline" you will learn an easy way of how we help people to grow their network marketing downlines fast. So if you're in the process of trying to learn the best strategy to: recruit, sponsor, and enroll new prospects into your MLM downline then there's how you can do it. This is a powerful prospecting system that shows you specifically how to build a downline fast. Also you can learn how our system works at:

Rocket Recruiting App V.2 Review

Rocket Recruiting App V.2 Review

Rocket Recruiting app has been voted #1 MLM Recruiting System and "Must Have" product by Direct Selling Live Magazine. Endorsed by Top Network Marketing Leaders like Todd Falcone, Ray Higdon, Tanya Aliza and many more!

Check it out at This powerful prospecting tool that network marketers can begin using to recruit, sponsor and help them in building their mlm downlines. We've reviewed the app below. We've given it a 3/5 stars rating in our review.

Read our full review of the Rocket Recruiting App V.2

We are the world's leading MLM downline building service.

We are the world's leading MLM downline building service

If you're doing network marketing (also known as: multilevel marketing) then your number one goal is to start to build a downline. You don't even have to use our services at all. But please take our expert advice. If you're doing MLM then your top priority is to find members and recruit them into your downline.

But regardless, the more people you have the faster it will spread. The biggest organizations on planet earth all started with one person and their willingness to spread a message. That's your goal as a network marketing rep. To share you companies mlm opportunity with others. The more you share your mlm opportunity, the faster you downline will grow, and so will your income.

The challenge for most is there motivation is high at first, but before long it wears off. After that you need to consider hiring a professional mlm agency to build for you. That's where we come in. We'll build your downline for you. Click the link below for full details on our unique downline building service.

You've joined an M L M business but are having difficulty recruiting as quickly as you'd like to? Maybe you joined Avon, Herbalife, Amway, New Skin, or any other m l m company in which you need to recruit, sponsor and grow a downline team.

At last you can use a downline building service to build your M L M downline. Using an automated downline building service, is a fast ,easy, and effective way to building your downline. A downline building service, like ours, removes the headache and stress out of building your downline. 

So if you're looking for an easy way to build your downline fast, then let our downline building service start working for you. Visit to learn more about our powerful mlm recruting service. Discover how MLMRC has already helped hundreds of network marketers just like you to quickly build their downlines. 

To learn more about our automated downline building system and get unlimited 
downline building service click here

Downline building services can help your mlm business grow


Sunday, 10 June 2018

mlm recruting services

So you've joined an MLM business but are having difficulty recruit as quickly as you'd like to? Maybe you joined: Amway, Herbalife, New Skin, Avon or any other m l m company in which you need to recruit sponsor and grow a downline team. Well now you can use an mlm recruting service to build your downline. Using a specialized mlm recruiting service, is a fast ,easy, and effective way to building your downline. These types of recruiting services remove the headache and stress out of building your downline. So if you're looking for an easy way to build your downline fast, then let our mlm recruiting service start building for you. Visit to learn more about our powerful mlm recruting service. Discovery how it's already helped hundreds of network marketers just like you to quickly build their downlines. Also like, share and subscribe. Thank you.

how to outsource mlm recruiting

how to outsource mlm recruiting to grow your mlm downline

#MLM #networkmarketing how to outsource mlm recruiting to grow your mlm downline
#MLM #networkmarketing how to outsource mlm recruiting to grow your mlm downline

Saturday, 9 June 2018

MLM Recruiting - Here is How To Outsource MLM Recruiting

#MLM #MLMrecruiting #networkmarketing 

MLM Recruiting - Here is How To Outsource MLM Recruiting

outsource mlm recruiting here:

#mlm #networkmarketing outsource mlm recruiting here:
#mlm #networkmarketing outsource mlm recruiting here:

outsource your mlm recruiting

Hello, are you working on building an m l m business, but can't seem to recruit as quickly as you'd like? So you've joined a network marketing business such as Amway, Herbalife, New Skin, Avon or any other m l m company in which you need to recruit sponsor and build a downline. The one thing you might not have been shown is that you can now outsource your downline recruiting. outsourcing your mlm recruiting is a fast easy and effective way to building your downline. It takes all the hassel, headache and stress out of building your downline. So if you're looking for an easy way to build your downline fast, then outsource your mlm recruiting to us. Visit M L M R C dot com to learn more about outsourcing mlm recruting and how our system has already helped hundreds of network marketers just like you to quickly build their downlines. Also like, share and subscribe. Thank you.

Friday, 8 June 2018

using mlm services to add real people into your mlm downline

Learn how to use powerful mlm services to add real people into your mlm downline starting now!






Thursday, 7 June 2018

Use a DOWNLINE BUILDER to grow your MLM business much faster!

Downline Builder to Grow Your MLM Business

What is a MLM Downline Builder? If you’re doing network marketing (also known as: multilevel marketing) then your number one goal is to start to build a downline. You’ll need the right tools to make that happen, such as a quality downline builder. If you’re doing MLM then your top priority is to find a quality downline builder. Test it and see if it works. If it doesn’t move on and test a few more automatic downline builders. Eventually you might find a quality downline builder that works. One I recommend is
Once you’ve found a downline builder that works and is building your mlm downline on autopilot, you’ll stand a very good chance at groundbreaking success in the networking marketing industry. The reason I can confidently say this is because once you find a building system that actually works; then you simply show it to anyone who joins your downline and have them use it also. So you just rinse and repeat. Getting everyone who’s in your downline to start using the same automated system.
So again, you don’t even have to use Yes we are the gold standard when it comes to MLM Downline Builders online; but again, it really doesn’t matter which downline builder you use. Just test each one you find, see if it works, and if it does produce good results, then you know you’re onto something, and you’ll be able to simply keep sharing it with your downline over and over again, allowing your downline to keep growing exponentially. Plus your downline stands to grow much more faster than if everyone is manually trying to build the old fashioned way right.
Again not all companies have a downline builder that works. That’s the big problem. So you’ll have to test a few dozen before you’ll find one that works. And unfortunately there really isn’t much out there I’m afraid that’s any good. If we knew of some we would be more than happy to provide a list. The one’s we have tried (in doing some competitive research) we wouldn’t recommend to our worst enemies. They’re just scams mostly. So it’s too bad. But please, if you find a good one, email us at our contact page listed at MLMRC and we’ll go look at it okay. Thanks again and good luck in your search.
That’s your goal as a network marketing rep. To share your companies mlm opportunity with others. The more you share your mlm opportunity, the faster you downline will grow, and so will your income. But ideally you need to automate that process. While you’re sleeping at night, your automated downline builder needs to be working online to grow your team. Without a working system in place building your downline 24/7/365, then chances are you’ll fail, as you won’t be able to find enough people.
So what I’m saying is this…. and if you get nothing else out of this downline building article then be sure to write this down. Don’t do what the masses are doing in going out and trying to find people to build your downline. See that’s old fashioned. That’s like chopping down trees with an axe. After you chop down 1 tree you’ll be too tried to keep going. So what you should do instead is find a “chainsaw”! Don’t worry about chopping down trees. Instead just go find a chainsaw. You’ll have to do some research and looking around but there’s a few out there online (ie: Google: MLMRC).
Then test it and make sure it works. Once you have this downline builder tool, now what you do is each time you recruit someone into your MLM downline, then give them a chainsaw (ie: introduce them to your downline builder). And tell them that each time they recruit someone that they are to introduce their new recruits to your downline builder as well (your chainsaw). So now you got an army of people all using chainsaws and the work gets down fast and easy right!
So don’t be like the masses who try and dig ditches by hand, or chop down trees with axes. No; you need to find the right tools to build your downline first and foremost. And hand those tools out to your downline so that they’ll have the downline building tools they need to actually make progress in building — makes sense? So consider taking a look at MLMRC. We’ll build your downline for you. Click the link below for full details on our unique downline builder.
To learn more about our automated downline building system and downline builder service go to: